Linda Van De Water
Two Amazing Accomplishments in One Day!
On Wednesday July 10, Judge Linda Van De Water did two remarkable things in one day, she had a hole in one, and shot her best ever round! Here is how it happened, in her words: “I give Shirley (her teacher, Shirley Furlong) all the credit for my new swing! It goes to show when I follow her advice and use my new swing it’s amazing and when I revert to a hybrid of old and new it’s a serious mess! I played Merrill Hills on Wednesday night and shot my best ever round with Sally, shooting 80 in 21/2 hours and had……. a hole in one! It was a par three of 134 yards and I used my 7 iron. My driver is back to my best friend. The two of us trying to finish 18 before dark so I was able to just play each shot as it came along. It was effortless and I even had two penalties!”

Congratulations, Your Honor!
Her Honor has worked really hard on her game with Shirley over the last year and we are certain that there will be other great milestones for her in the not too distant future! Congratulations, Linda!